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May Gibbs Children's Literature Trust High Tea + Scotch College Visit

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We all have those events that will stay for us a lifetime, and during my MGCLT Creative Time residency in Adelaide, I had one of those.

The gorgeous women at the Trust organised a beautiful high tea in honour of my Fellowship (and in celebration of May Gibbs!) at the Lenzerheide Restaurant in Hawthorn. Around 60 of us sipped champagne and gathered in the sun-strewn conservatory for a divine high-tea style lunch.

The MGCLT Chair, Julie Wells, introduced me, then I spoke about both May and my Mamie journey. It was a bit of an emotional speech and what a thrill to have fellow May Gibbs-adorers in the room, nodding and smiling and sighing as I spoke. I signed copies of Mamie afterwards, and had some beautiful conversations, including one woman who made me cry! (in a good way),

Trust Patron Mary Wilson closed the proceedings, and I presented her with an original watercolour--one of the versions of Mamie (before I decided on the selesai version for the book). This one (pictured above) is much more traditional in style, and includes gumnuts and gum blossoms. The piece will be housed in the Burrow residency in Norwood.

It was amazing to catch up with and meet people I'd only ever heard about over the years. Also loved seeing fellow author/illustrators Janeen Brian and Sally Heinrich. It was also a joy to have my friend Jane Brummitt and a group of her friends there to share in this special day.

Pictures speak a thousand words, so I'll wrap up this beautiful event with some photos, showcasing just how lovely and memorable it was. Thank you to the ladies at MGCLT.  What a joy it was.

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with Janeen Brian

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Sally Heinrich, Janeen Brian and me

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introduction by Julie Wells

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presenting my watercolour to Mary Wilson

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Alle Goldsworthy with the watercolour painting

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with Jane Brummitt

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with Julie Wells and Alle Goldworthy

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with Mary Wilson

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The very next day I had an absolutely beautiful school visit to Scotch College--what a stunning school and what vibrant, book-loving kids and staff. I was made so very welcome (thanks Lucy, Sarah and Fiona!) and had two fantastic sessions with the kids. Was super happy to catch up with author Katrina Germein at the event, too.

Here are some pics--check out these beautiful creations featuring my maps and book illustrations. And one of the best moments was singing Happy Birthday to Mamie with the kids (it was book release day).

Scotch College--thank you for creating such a deep book and story culture in your children. They are lucky kids.

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